People with disabilities are our friends, neighbors, and co-workers. When they have access to education, employment, and full inclusion they contribute to our communities just like everyone else all year long.
Making Informed Choices for Transition Planning: Understanding Guardianship, Supported Decision-Making, and Power of Attorney
When it’s time for transition planning for your child with IDD, there are many critical decisions to be made. Deciding on guardianship, support decision-making, or power of attorney can be confusing. This blog provides an overview of these options to help you make an informed decision.
5 Life Lessons I Learned from My Son with Down Syndrome
When my son was born with Down Syndrome 35 years ago, I never imagined that he would teach me important life lessons. In his own gentle way, he did just that! He lives an unhurried, full, and positive life. He doesn’t harbor resentment or judge others. He just speaks his mind, always with kindness, and does what he loves.
He has taught me so much in the last 35 years. From patience and hope to acceptance and love, he has changed my world in such a positive way! I’d like to share five of the life lessons that have had the greatest impact on my life.
The Important Role of Fitness and Physical Activity for Individuals with Disabilities
For people with disabilities, physical activity can help support daily living activities and increase independence. With access to education through IDEA, many children now have options to participate in fitness activities in the school setting and with organizations like Special Olympics
The Childcare Dilemma for Families of Children with Disabilities
Every parent wants their child to grow up happy and healthy. For families with children who have disabilities, finding good childcare can be much more challenging. Many of these families face challenges that most people don’t see. It’s important to understand their struggles and help make things better.
“You should write a book”. From the time my son was young, I kept hearing this from friends and family. I was in the throes of parenting so I couldn’t imagine having the time to write. And to be honest, I didn’t understand why anyone would want to hear from me. I was just an ordinary mom trying to navigate the world of Down Syndrome.
How Down Syndrome and Disability Organizations Can Transform Your Family's Journey
National and local disability organization have many resources to offer families.
Why Inclusion Matters: Enhancing Business & Building Better Communities
Inclusion isn’t just a nice thing to do; it has important benefits to local business and communities.
The Caregiver’s Bill of Rights: A Powerful Self-Care Tool for Caregivers
Self-care is easier said than done when you're parenting or caring for a loved one with Down Syndrome. The Caregiver's Bill of Rights is a powerful tool to practice and protect your self-care time.
Back to School: Essential Planning and Advocacy Tips for Parents of Children with Disabilities
Entering school is an exciting time for any child. With a little planning, you can help your child wth disabilities make the transition to school successfully.
Individuals with Down Syndrome: Common Facial and Physical Features
Each person with Down Syndrome is an individual – with unique characteristics and traits. While Down Syndrome comes with some common physical characteristics it’s important to realize that individuals with Down Syndrome are more like the general population than different.
What to Say to New Parents of a Child with Down Syndrome: Do’s and Don’ts
When a child is born with Down Syndrome, people struggle with what to say to the parents. Following are a few important dos and don’ts when you find out someone has a baby with a disability. I hope you’ll find this information helpful.
First and foremost, the birth of a new baby is something to celebrate. So celebrate_
Don’t be afraid to say something. Even if you don’t know exactly what to say, they need to know you support them. Be honest and let your words come from the heart.
Common Misconceptions About Down Syndrome: Myth vs. Facts
This blog discusses the 4 most common misconceptions about individuals with Down Syndrome. Get the facts about this common genetic chromosomal condition.
Empowering Families Series: Teaching Independence Skills
Blessed with Extraordinary: Support and resources for families of children with Down Syndrome