Linda Bonner Linda Bonner

5 Life Lessons I Learned from My Son with Down Syndrome

When my son was born with Down Syndrome 35 years ago, I never imagined that he would teach me important life lessons. In his own gentle way, he did just that! He lives an unhurried, full, and positive life. He doesn’t harbor resentment or judge others. He just speaks his mind, always with kindness, and does what he loves.

He has taught me so much in the last 35 years.  From patience and hope to acceptance and love, he has changed my world in such a positive way!  I’d like to share five of the life lessons that have had the greatest impact on my life.

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Linda Bonner Linda Bonner

The Childcare Dilemma for Families of Children with Disabilities

Every parent wants their child to grow up happy and healthy. For families with children who have disabilities, finding good childcare can be much more challenging. Many of these families face challenges that most people don’t see. It’s important to understand their struggles and help make things better.

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Linda Bonner Linda Bonner


“You should write a book”. From the time my son was young, I kept hearing this from friends and family. I was in the throes of parenting so I couldn’t imagine having the time to write.  And to be honest, I didn’t understand why anyone would want to hear from me.  I was just an ordinary mom trying to navigate the world of Down Syndrome.

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Linda Bonner Linda Bonner

Individuals with Down Syndrome: Common Facial and Physical Features

Each person with Down Syndrome is an individual – with unique characteristics and traits. While Down Syndrome comes with some common physical characteristics it’s important to realize that individuals with Down Syndrome are more like the general population than different.

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Linda Bonner Linda Bonner

What to Say to New Parents of a Child with Down Syndrome: Do’s and Don’ts

When a child is born with Down Syndrome, people struggle with what to say to the parents. Following are a few important dos and don’ts when you find out someone has a baby with a disability. I hope you’ll find this information helpful.

First and foremost, the birth of a new baby is something to celebrate. So celebrate_

Don’t be afraid to say something. Even if you don’t know exactly what to say, they need to know you support them. Be honest and let your words come from the heart.

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