The Story of “Blessed with Extraordinary”.

“You should write a book”. From the time my son was young, I kept hearing this from friends and family. I was in the throes of parenting so I couldn’t imagine having the time to write.  And to be honest, I didn’t understand why anyone would want to hear from me.  I was just an ordinary mom trying to navigate the world of Down Syndrome.

 I thought about it often over the years.  Then in 2021 I felt the words “You will write the book”.  I wrote my first draft in just 8 months! In 2023 I found an incredible publisher and editor and in 2024 “Blessed with Extraordinary: Support and resources for families of children with Down Syndrome” was published!

 I truly believe I was blessed with the experience of raising my child with Down Syndrome to be a source of hope and encouragement for other families.  Writing “Blessed with Extraordinary” was my way of offering that hope and encouragement.  It became a place to share resources I collected over the years and a way to connect with other families by sharing my parenting journey.

 Writing this book has opened more doors than I ever imagined!  I’m now a voice for people with disabilities, a champion and advocate.  It has given me a platform to help others see the beauty, abilities, and contributions of individuals with Down Syndrome in our own community and around the world. 

 Another incredible opportunity is speaking to individuals and organizations about the benefits of inclusion so we can build more vibrant, inclusive communities.  Through presentations I offer ideas to help each of us practice inclusion and support people with Down Syndrome and other disabilities in a variety of ways.

 The various social media platforms have allowed me to share my experiences and journey to an even broader audience.  Sharing facts and dispelling antiquated myths about people with Down Syndrome brings us closer.  It means more people with disabilities are involved in social activities and job opportunities available in our communities and businesses. 

 Understanding the facts creates a more compassionate environment where all people are valued for their unique gifts, talents and perspectives.  Knowledge eliminates the fear of the unknown bringing us together.

 My journey with Kevin has become a mission to make the world a more accepting and inclusive place. I love educating and inspiring others on the importance of people-first language, advocating for using "disability" instead of "special needs," and offering ways to include people with Down syndrome and other disabilities in our businesses, communities, and lives.

 I hope you’ll join me on this mission of acceptance, understanding and inclusion; where everyone's potential is recognized and celebrated.

 Linda Bonner

Author – “Blessed with Extraordinary: Support and resources for families of children with Down Syndrome”



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